Abe Friesen

Service Information

Memorial service will be Thursday, June 27, 2013, at 2:30 pm at Northlake Community Church, 1471 McLeod Rd, Bellingham.


Abraham "Abe" Frank Friesen, age 83, slipped peacefully into God's presence at noon on Friday, June 14, 2013, in Bellingham, WA, after a series of strokes that began in February 2011.

Abe was born May 22, 1930, in Morden, Manitoba, to Abram and Katherina Enns Friesen. When he was 6 years old, the family auctioned everything and moved west to Vauxhall, Alberta. Friends were always amazed to hear of Abe's boyhood life in Alberta. At 10, he herded the cattle on horseback when they moved north to Finnegan where they built a house with "bricks" of sod. At 15, he left home for 4 years of high school followed by 4 years of Bible School at Prairie Bible Institute in Three Hills, Alberta, graduating in 1953. His first pastoral experience was in the Peace River district in northern Alberta.

Abe joined the China Inland Mission/Overseas Missionary Fellowship in the fall of 1954, sailing for the mission field from New York on February 24, 1955. In Singapore, he became engaged to Jacqueline Slining, after sharing a long voyage complete with a typhoon that required holding the Scrabble board so the tiles wouldn’t slide off. Abe’s beautiful tenor voice matched perfectly with Jackie’s skill at accompaniment on piano and organ. They married April 10, 1957, in Goshogawara, Aomori, Japan, after spending two years studying Japanese language and culture.

Abe thoroughly enjoyed the 40 years he spent serving the Lord in Japan and felt it was a privilege to share the Gospel with the Japanese people. His ministries included church planting in northern Japan and Osaka, establishing and overseeing five Christian bookstores in northern Japan, and officiating at Western-style weddings for over 2,400 Japanese couples in Osaka, where he could give a message about God’s love to wedding guests who would never otherwise enter a church. One excited father-of-the-bride was a Buddhist priest!

Upon returning to the United States in 1995, Abe enjoyed activities with Japanese students at Western Washington University and was involved with several church communities in the Bellingham area. After years of growing geraniums in pots on a balcony in Japan, he was finally able to have a “real” garden for flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Abe will be fondly remembered for his lovely tenor voice, his green thumb, his wry sense of humor and his love of people. He left behind his loving wife Jackie of 56 years, children Ben (Susan), Ruth, Faith (Mark), Kathleen; nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild; and siblings Erna, Jake, Art and Betty.

A memorial service will be held at 2:30pm on Thursday, June 27, 2013, at Northlake Community Church, on the corner of McLeod and Britton Roads.


 アブラハム(愛称:エイブ)・フランク・フリーセンは、一昨年二月に発症した脳卒中を原因とする発作によって、本年六月十四日正午、米国ワシントン州ベーリングハムの地から、安らかに神様の御許に旅立ちました。八十三歳でした。  エイブは一九三〇年五月二十二日、カナダのマニトバ州モルデンにて、父アブラム、母カタリナ=アンの間に生を授かりました。  彼が六歳のとき、一家は財産を処分して、同国西部のアルバータ州ボクスホールに移住しました。このアルバータ州で過ごした少年時代の話に、友人たちはいつも驚かされたものです。というのも、エイブが十歳のとき、モルデンの北にあるフィネガンの新居に移ったのですが、この家は草ぶきだったというのです。そればかりか、引越しの際、エイブは馬の背に乗って牛を追っていった、ということでした。  十五歳で家族のもとを離れて、四年間の高校生活を送った後、さらに四年間、アルバータ州スリーヒルズのプレーリー聖書学院内に設置された聖書学校で学び、同校を一九五三年に卒業しています。最初の牧会は、アルバータ州北部のピースリバー地区で経験しました。  そして一九五四年の秋、中国奥地へ向かう海外宣教団に参加し、翌一九五五年二月二十四日、ニューヨーク港から出立しました。それからシンガポール入港に至るまでの長い船旅の間には、台風に襲われ、スクラブル(註:語の綴り替えを競うゲーム)の牌が滑り落ちないようスクラブル盤を抱えこむ、という経験もしたそうです。 シンガポールで、エイブは宣教仲間であったジャクリーン(愛称:ジャッキー)・スライニングと婚約しました。彼の美しいテノールの声は、ジャッキーのピアノやオルガン伴奏の腕前と見事に調和していました。二人は二年間、日本語と日本文化を履修した後、一九五七年四月十日に青森県の五所川原市で結婚しました。  以来、エイブは日本で四十年間を過ごし、喜びをもって神様に仕えました。また、日本の人々と聖書の福音を分ちあえることを、神様からの恩恵と感じていました。  彼の奉仕は幅広いものでした―-東北地方や大阪でのキリスト教会の創設。東北地方での五軒のキリスト教書店の設立と運営。大阪では二四〇〇組を超える日本人カップルのために、キリスト教式の結婚式を司式しました。こうした結婚式では、おそらく一度もキリスト教会に足を運んだことがない参列者にむかって神の愛を語りました。ある花嫁の父は、式におけるエイブの説教に感激していたのですが、なんと彼は仏教の僧侶だったというエピソードも残っています。  一九九五年、夫妻は米国に戻りました。それ以降のエイブは、ウエスタン・ワシントン大学の日本人留学生との交流を楽しんだり、ベーリングハム地区の地域教会に携わったりして余生を送っておりました。また、日本ではベランダでゼラニウムの鉢植えを楽しむだけでしたが、ついに、「本物の」庭を手に入れて、花、くだもの、野菜を育てることができたのです。  エイブは、その美しいテノールの声、園芸の手際、皮肉たっぷりのユーモアセンス、なにより人々へ注ぎつづけた愛のゆえに、いつまでも思い出されることでしょう。残された遺族は、五十六年連れ添った愛妻ジャッキーのほかに、長男ベンとその妻スーザン、長女ルース、次女フェイスとその夫マーク、三女キャサリーン、九人の孫たちと一人の曾孫、さらにアーナ、ジェイク、アート、ベティという兄弟姉妹です。  追悼礼拝は、六月二十七日(木)午後二時半より、ベーリングハムのノースレーク・コミュニテイー教会(McLeod通りとBritton通りの角)にて催されます。


From Rex Lee Carlaw…

Dear Jackie and Family, We are very sad to learn of Abe's passing 10 days ago and pray that God has been comforting you in these days. I hope all the beautiful memories of your life and ministry together are a wonderful condolence after 56 great years of serving Him together. I was just yesterday thinking about the cars I have been given and remembering Abe's generosity with me and with another ACTION missionary in giving us vehicles. Mine was a Crown Victoria, and I gave it to my secretary when I no longer needed it. Abe was just a year younger than my Mother and though we can wish he had lived another period of time, it is a blessed lifespan and we give thanks to God for all he accomplished. Love in Christ, Rex Lee Carlaw and the staff of Action International

Jun 24, 2013

From Bil Pech

Dear Jackie,

I just wanted you to know that the caring thoughts of WWU-AUAP staff and students are with you. We'll never forget the contribution that you and Abe made to the lives of countless Japanese students in Bellingham. May you experience God's peace and comfort.

Bill Pech and your friends at WWU-AUAP

Jun 24, 2013

From Miwa Doato

Dear Mrs. Friesen & Friesen’s family,

I would like to extend to you my deepest sympathy at this sudden sad news of the passing away of Mr. Friesen.

During having lived in Japan for forty years, Mr. Friesen sowed the seed of HOPE in God among Japanese people anywhere he encountered. Through his devout work, a lot of people recognized “WHO/WHAT/WHY GOD IS”. Not all, but not a few people finally accepted Jesus Christ as his/her own personal Savior. Indeed, I'm one of them. Therefore, I thank God because He sent Mr. Friesen to Japan. I praise God's perfect plan on him.
Also, I thank him because he never gave up telling God's Word to us. So, I can’t imagine how much deeper his perseverance, humility, and obedience to God were.

- I remember the day he baptized me in the Nose River in 1992.
- I never forget his kindness that he showed me when I studied at WWU during 2001 to 2002. - I was greatly touched by his warm heart because he never forgot to phone me and my family at anniversary.
- I'm proud that he and his wife remained a good company more than 50 years through their smile at their 50th anniversary in 2007.

On the other hand, Mr. Friesen, he never compromised to God's Word because of his pure faith to God; therefore, it seemed a little troublesome sometimes to listen to him. However, now I can say it became my greatest treasure. That is, I think I inherit a part of his genuine faith to God. Thank you very much, Mr. Friesen and see you again!






Jun 26, 2013

From Emily (Johnson…

Jackie and family,

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have been so privileged to know you and Abe! Thank you for your endless hospitality and kindness.

With love,
Emily Ufkes

Jun 26, 2013

From Hiroko Kimura 木村弘子

Dear Mrs. Friesen and Friesen Family,

I still remember the days when I visited Mr. and Mrs. Friesen's in Bellingham back in 1996 with my friends, Miwa and Kazuko.
We really had a great time together, and the best memory during the trip is I got baptized by Mr. Friesen in a lake nearby!

I am so thankful to the Lord that He had sent them to Japan for missionary and showed His great love to us through them.
Also I thank Mr. and Mrs. Friesen for telling us God's words and still encouraging us through their love and faith.

May our Lord would give deep comfort to Mrs. Friesen and the family.
Mr. Friesen, thank you very much. We have to say good bye for now but I look forward to seeing you again at the Lord's house!

With Love, Naoko Ohnishi from Osaka

Jun 26, 2013

From Walter Patterson

Dear Friesen family,
We morn with you as you lost someone so special to you and yet, we rejoice that Mr. Friesen is now with the Lord. I remember Mr. Friesen as a man who loved the Japanese people and shared the love of Christ to our Japanese friends in Japan. My dad, who also was a missionary to Japan, passed away in 2007 and I know that Mr. Friesen will hear those wonderful words as my dad did - "Well done thou good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the Lord". Blessings to you from all of us here in Canada - the Patterson family - Ron (passed away in 2007) & Pat Patterson - children: Valerie, Cathy, Carolyn, Bob, Walter and Rose

Jun 27, 2013

From YumiOnikiIshihara

Sadness from my heart. I still read the Bible Mr.Friesen gave me 30 years ago. I have lots of ARIGATO to him.
Thank you Mr. Friesen and farewell.

Aug 08, 2013

From Hajime & Mieko Oniki

Mrs.Friesen and Friesen's family: We are shocked to hear of the sorrow that has come to you. We share the deepest grief with you in your sad bereavement.
I still remember having the bible class once a week for several years, celebrating Christmas together with you and so on at your Mino's home.
With deepest sympathy. Hajime & Mieko Oniki

Aug 08, 2013

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