Jay V. Salkield
A private family celebration of life will be held next month.
JAY V. SALKIELD, died in Bellingham, Washington. on April 22, 2012. Jay was 97 years old and born in Salt Lake, Utah on May 2, 1914 to Joseph and Luella Salkield. Jay was W7RWL to the ham radio world. Jay married Betty Singleton on September 12, l934 after he had graduated from Dietrich High School in Idaho. While working for the Union Pacific Railroad Jay learned Morse code and became a telegraph operator for the railroad during the 2nd World War. In 1945 Jay and Betty purchased the Dietrich Mercantile store and ran it until 1954. Jay became an airplane pilot who flew for the Idaho Fish and Game Department in addition to being instrumental in building the Dietrich air strip and hanger for his plane. Jay was also appointed a Deputy Sheriff for the county and was a Boy Scout Master for 7 years.
After selling the Dietrich Merc for health reasons, Jay and Betty moved to Warden, WA for one year and then on to Seattle to work in electronics for Boeing Airplane Company for 2 years. Then Jay and Betty moved to Ritzville, WA as the Tidewater Oil Distributor and shortly thereafter purchased the Empire Motel in Ritzville. While in Ritzville, Jay was a city counsel member for 12 years. Jay and Betty retired in 1976 and built their retirement home on the Ritzville Golf Course.
They have one son, Larry (Audrey) Salkield of Seattle, two grandchildren, Andy (Mary) Salkield of Bellingham and Molly (Frank) Lawrence of Seattle plus great-grandchildren Chloe and Oscar Salkield of Bellingham, all of which will miss Jay very much.
A private family celebration of life will be held next month.
From Larry Salkield
Good bye Dad, you were a wonderful Father and Mom is a wonderful Mother. I loved you very much and know you loved me too. Looking forward to being with your soul in heaven. Yours was a wonderful life, lived well and long, may you rest in peace with all of our love, your son, Larry
From Carl Eckhardt
Jay and my dad, Wes Eckhardt, W7BBK, were the best of friends in Ritzville. Dad died in 1967 at the young age of 52, but our family's friendship with Jay and Betty continued for many years thereafter. My condolences to Betty, Larry and family.
Carl W. Eckhardt, Jr.
From Marva Schoessler
Dear Betty and Larry,
Jay was a great guy; I always enjoyed seeing him and remember when he delivered oil to our farm. My uncle, Harold Schoesler, had the Tidewater Oil business prior to Jay. We in Ritzville have missed Jay and Betty; they were both such assets to the community and such enjoyable people. Peace and God's blessings to your whole family.
With love,
Marva Schoessler
From Willa Richards
Betty & Larry
Although I didn't see much of Jay & Betty in the past several years I always thought the world of them. I did get to see them at a couple Dietrich Reunions,
What I remember most was when they owned the Dietrich Merc. The first job I had was at the Dietrich Merc. Mostly shelving food. Jay was the first to teach me how to count out money and correctly give change back to the customers. One time when I walked into the store Jay said " you look like you just stepped out of a band box" I thought that must mean something good since I had never heard that expression before. I went home and asked my mother what it meant and it did mean something good. Betty and Jay were too of the kindest people on earth.
From Lisa Fitch
Larry's Dad
We're neighbors to Larry & Audrey. The times that we visited and Jay & Betty were over, I was always impressed with what a warm and gracious couple they were. I enjoyed reading about Jay's life and he left a wonderful legacy behind with his son, grandchildren and great-children. May he rest in peace.
From Don Ham
I first met the Salkields in 1945 when I, from Iowa, returned home to live with the Floyd Kisling family. I had quit school in Iowa and I think some people thought they could get me to finish school. Yep, I graduated in 1948. During one's lifetime you meet people who you never forget...Jay and Betty are two of those on my list. Bologna sandwiches and coke; better than a T-bone steak. Sure, I always wanted to be a "Ham" operator. Guess I didn't have what it took. Liked to fly also. Jay did it all...few people can ever achieve what he did. There was so much to remember. The Salkilds will always have a place in my memories. I know the Lord will have a good time keeping up with Jay. A Roy quote: "Happy Trails" Jay!
From Larry
Thanks Dad for being such a great Dad, I will never forget you, your son, Larry
From Larry Salkield
Thank you Carl, the best to you and your family. Larry Salkield
From Janice Shineman
I'm Fred Slonaker's daughter -- my brother and I were in Ritzville visiting Dad recently and saw Jay's obituary in the Journal. Just wanted you to know that we were so sorry to hear about Jay's passing -- Jay and Betty were wonderful friends to Dad, taking him to coffee every day and being such good company! Please tell Betty that Dad turned 101 last December and is still going strong, says he feels great. He's still at home, and Josie Campbell is still taking good care of him. Somebody named "Bob" comes every day and takes him down to Jake's for coffee, I don't know Bob's last name but I bet Betty would know. The Circle T is now a Mexican restaurant and Perkins closed too, so Jake's is it -- although a new restaurant is supposed to be going in where Perkins was soon. Condolences for your loss to Betty and all of the family, and a sincere thank you for being such good friends to my Dad.
From Larry Salkield
Carl, your Dad and mine were close, thank you for your comments and i remember you well, hope everything is going well for you and your family, sorry to report that Mom died on the 15th of November, I thought that I would have her forever, but I think Dad came down from heaven and took her, they had been married over 77 years and he just got lonely up in heaven and came back to take her with him, anyway, thanks for your thoughts and comments Carl, have a great day, year, whatever, cheers, Larry
From Larry Salkield
They were good friends and I liked your Dad very much, he is a great guy, anyway our parents enjoyed one another and it was great they were friends. Glad to hear your dad is still doing great, have a wonderful day and thank you, sorry to report Mom passed on the 15th of November, but we had a great life and enjoyed my parents to the fullest, have a great day, cheers, Larry
From Larry Salkield
Loved your comments Don and they were great parents, now Mom has passed, but I think Dad just came and got her because he was lonely up in heaven and after 77 years of marriage he thought he was entitled too take her with him, anyway, thank you for your kind comments and I do not understand the interent enough to know if this goes to you or if you have to come and get it, let me know if you can, cheers, Larry
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